Flowerboy is literally objectively the best Tyler album
Steam RIP spore wont run.
Weird response from Volta
if i buy this doyo wii guitar controller & a v3 adapter, will it work on the ps5? i want to play fortnite festival with it.
Can someone help me connect my ps3 to the EA servers so I can play online?
Want to download a pirated copy of skate 3.
How is skate 4 ever gonna live up to skate 3 bro 😭
How is skate 4 ever living up to this masterpiece 😭
Insomniac Guitar Tone
Wiped out so hard, not even HOM wanted to show it.
Which mcr song is red?
I bet you’ve never seen a line with a flag pole foot plant
The only valid Tyler ranking
Favorite place?
Do you think Tyler will retire from making music?
There HAS to be a way
I fkn hate state of this sub....
Songs That Include a Heartbeat
just got bannedfor this 😭(mods this is a discussion)
Guess the Trailer 2 Release Date Contest
How did y'all discover Tyler's music?
Why does Andrew have a black tie in the video for Taken for a Ride? I just noticed
Is there a way to transfer save data from a pirated game to the original?
Vinyls pre order delayed???
Challenge me to build/accomplish something.