To the men who grinded in their 20s
Girl raped by 64 people in Kerala
Name an annoying thing people base their entire personality around.
In 25 years, when someone asks what life was like during the COVID lockdowns, how will you respond?
Have you ever been intimate with someone who has a disability, like a wheelchair user? If so, what was your experience like? If not, would you consider it?
Why is McDonald's revenue lower now than it was in 2013?
Has your father ever said "I love you" and if yes how often?
SoFi Daily Chat - December 16, 2024
How do you guys calm down and sleep?
Bought at close sold at open. Best 600 bucks I’ve spent in a while
SoFi 2024 Q3 Income Statement
What's your dollar cost average?
You just won a lifetime supply of the last thing you bought. How screwed are you?
90 bucks to 3300. Trade was active less than 40 minutes. GOOGL calls
Quit vaping by cold turkey or cutting back?
Sofi $13 call option apr 17 2025
What scares you most about NOT getting sober?
9 months down the drain
AITA for pimping out my husband to the women he cheats on me with?
I'm sorry but...
Collecting unemployment, sitting here between my girlfriend's two cats while she's at work. Fuckin' worthless
Guys I'm new to trading and decided to buy 10.7 XRP as an experiment yesterday. (I need help.)
What percentage of holders are you in?