Anyone with a 4u rack case, can you share what cpu cooler you are using?
[US-IN] [H] Uncommon NES Games, Gun-Nac, Metal Storm, Bucky O’Hare, Ninja Gaiden III [W] PayPal
What is your most cherished N64 memory?
Does anyone else skip the nonsense conversation and go right to revenge on Kellogg?
Current "best" Atari 2600 to HDMI solution?
Fuck this baseball player
How do I get rid of the “VIDEO” text on my Sony Trinitron ?
Please do NOT donate your retro consoles to Goodwill.
If the 64DD had managed to release like initially planned in 1997 meaning it would have had a much longer life, then what game would have convinced you to buy the add-on?
Sometimes I like to do a bit of dressup. Yes, it’s armored of course.
No better way to kick off the evening. What’s everyone’s favourite game to chill out with?
Anyone else just chill in the room their homelab is in because it's warm?
Stop Killing Games wants to allow players to host their own games and be allowed to keep what they've bought
Employee deleted all professional emails upon resignation - is this normal?
Old removed E2010 server preventing install of E2019 Management Tools for hybrid recipient management
Has anyone ever automated themselves out of a job?
The Best selling console in the world
How do I allow ANYTHING - ping,file, print, http, etc. through a windows firewall from a specific network?
Can anyone recommend a decent joystick replacement from eBay? I bought 3 controllers from cex and they all suck. I think it's worth just repairing the one I have.
SH1 and SH3 remakes would be amazing nowadays, think about it...
Finally got an NES toploader, now deciding if it should be my daily driver.. and where to put it.
One of the worst articles about RAID
Just wondering, how did you learn about Earthbound/Mother?
RAID-0 or nothing bruh
Everdrive X7