Social Media Conspiracy Theorist Starter Pack
The four horsemen of "oh... One of these scenes"
What the 1912 U.S election would look like without vote splitting
Did R Kelly make the greatest musical of all time?
How do you deal with the cringe of Gloria and O’Reilly scenes?
"Ugh the King is fucking other women and not my Sister/Lover" Wtf was his problem?
Legend has it that the Kingslayer Ser Jaime Lannister was born with balls of steel
Well well well, looks like I’ve found a girlfriend for Smegplant
Blursed aubergine
Y’all think Carti could’ve became the greatest YN if music didn’t work out
The imp was the disease
What was the Tripoint border between the USSR, Turkey, and Iran like?
What opinion will have you like this?
"CARTI is on the WAY! Relax."
Favorite movies that lacked the main ingredient: fun ? I'll start
Who is this guy ? (wrong answers only)
I say "keyboard" what comes to your mind first?
Why do people say that this symbol wasn't explained?
Did these circular thingies even mean anything? Or did D&D kind of forgot about them?
hoo boy, another “debunking” of the Plinkett reviews. this’ll probably a riot.
What actor or actress do you think is a washed up, aging loser who wasted their life?
Comments are exactly what you’d expect
Because you voted against it...
Red Pill or Blue Pill?
Hottie Sasquatchette
Who was president when each incumbent Governor was born
Crazy how this photoshoot had better chemistry than the entirety of S7&8
What would you have done differently if you were Jon Snow?