Wtf is going on here? Also, what kind of shrimp even is this?
What can I add to the gravel to make it look more natural
What can I add to make the gravel look more natural
What could I add to this corner bit to cover or hide the pothos roots?
I got a couple plants and then over the course of a fortnight decided I really liked them. So I got a couple more.
ID on this buce? Has long stems and pretty large leaves
What species of shrimp is this? Is it an Amano?
Is a 5gal too small for a school of small tetras/rasboras etc? Or should I just opt for a betta?
ID Request: Just picked up a few shrimp, pretty sure they’re ghost shrimp, but is this one a ghost shrimp too?
Help fix my tank
What could I do to improve this scape?
What is this part on my co2 kit?
Will this Betta change colour?
50cm Aquascape 3 Months in
My first betta tank and damn I'm proud 👏
How good is today and the rest of the week going to be, guy's? Omg, so excited.
First time aquascaping
What species of Fissidens Moss is this?
What species of Fissidens Moss is this? (Aquatic)
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