Old boss of mine wrote LOSER on my final paycheck.
What should I be fine tuning ? Area to focus on ? ( mustache is staying 😆)
Best song on KOD???
So glad I bought the vinyl before it sold out I have been waiting for a vinyl pressing since it came out
Khabib what did you do!
Pick 2
Whats a clever bar that made your jaw drop first time you heard it?
Why wasn't this the level 100 skin
What y’all voting for if they aren’t lying
Can’t remember the pair
Bro just cut the prices of Kicks in half, no one is dumb enough to buy these at those prices 😭
Pick your top 3 Logic albums
Got my PS5 in today. Anywhere you can see what other posters were available?
Can anyone tell me?
Discord q&a freaking out
Meet n Greets
An unwanted in-depth review of ONLINE sparking zero from someone who has 150+ hours played and is Z rank.
DanielRPK: Marvel Studios is reportedly pausing all projects to fast-track the end of The Multiverse Saga. Only Spider-Man 4 and a mystery film will be released before the next Avengers movies; everything else is on hold until after Secret Wars
Do I sound similar to my idol j Cole?? Been studying that dude for years n years need some solid advice
What PlayStation game was like that?
Do my dreads make me look like J. Cole?
If you were in charge of Fortnite what would be the first thing u do?
his best 4 NO DOUBT
who would’ve won between goku ssj & andorid 17 z