Help me I am extremely blue under and around my eyes, I am naturally pale and therefore VERY blue.
Food you didn't like before but now you love?
I look tired ALL THE TIME I am very pale and extremly blue under and around my eyes
Men’s, have you ever rejected a kiss from a woman?
Nobody cares about your big _______.
What musical soundtracks absolutely slap?
Can anybody help me with advice on how to get ride of a binding and love spel?
Why don't parents take their child's depression seriously?
The real truth
Humanity is doomed
Dumpet. Jeg er ved at knække
Do you struggle to remember names?
Are you someone that generally enjoys being around blunt/brutally honest people?
Everything is 1x louder for each $1 million you receive
Er det acceptabelt at gå op til en fremmed person og starte en samtale?
Anybody else prefer to sit on the floor?
It’s 8:45pm.. it’s cold as fxck.. I’m laying down in the dark with a lot on my mind.. what should I listen to?
What emoji sums up your entire existence?
What do you hate most about showering?
What ages a person Really quickly?
Whats a song that triggers bad memories for you?
What are some unspoken rules that you follow?
Why do you not drink alcohol?