Somerville offers
MAT score + Oxford Maths and CS bread
Oxford In/Out Post
We are one day closer to it compared to yesterday…
Imperial CS Bread
Waiting for oxbridge decisions in a nutshell
im bored. drop ur a level convo and ill rate it /10
Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial
TMUA cutoff for IMPERIAL Maths
A graph of the number of reported offers by date, in last year's cycle, from some London universities (data from the r/6thform offers spreadsheet)
Is it possible to change details in the ‘more about you’ section after submitting an application to my college but not my unis?
Fellow JMC applicants, what are your TMUA results.
Fellow Imperial Applicants, what are your ESAT scores?
LSE Offer- TMUA Scores?
Anyone’s entrance exam go well?
Imperial JMC (maths+CS) applicants: how was the TMUA?
TMUA/ESAT results
Manifesting TMUA results day
No bc imagine if I actually get rejected
Guys, Can I apply for Warwick MORSE? This is genuinely serious
Anyone got offer from Imperial CS?
MMORSE Actuarial Exam Exemptions - typical required score?
Imperial computing 17:1?