Looking for High Refresh Rate Monitor Suggestions
TIL that according to a survey of schoolchildren (6-18 years of age), 86% did not know what a pager was, 71% couldn't identify an overhead projector, and 67% could said they had no idea what a floppy disk was.
recently realized i have free will
[Community Relisten] S1E22 Beating the Monkey - Unofficial Discussion
IsItBullshit: The efficacy of flossing hasn't been rigorously tested, so we're all just assuming it works
[Community Relisten] S1E20 Hardly Gay Q&A - Unofficial Discussion
How Do You Show Your Mix to a Band?
Interface Too Out of Date?
r/AudioEngineering Shopping, Setup, and Technical Help Desk
Surely I Should Upgrade my Interface?
Contemporary Producers Similar to Steve Albini?
TIL that in 1996 a man named Blair Adams withdrew most of his money and fled Canada after allegedly telling friends someone was trying to kill him. He was found murdered six days later, in a parking lot 2150 miles away. His murder remains unsolved.
Are tape machine / console / channel strip / etc emulator plug-ins just snake oil?
Can any Speaker cable be used from an amp to a cab?
[Community Relisten] S1E17 Little Skatey - Unofficial Discussion
What full-blown autism looks like
God is real
IsitBullshit: There’s no such thing as “visual learners”, “auditory learners”, etc.?
The mighty place itself
Recommendations for external muffling a backline kit?
Could Proximity Noise Cancelling Exist?
I watched To Boldly Flee by the Nostalgia Critic so you don't have to.
Seems like views are way down lately