What are some features you want to see in ghost of yote?
Ruining Araki's stands. Part 2. Hierophnt Grenn
why are a lot of people complaining about Polnareff not having a french accent?
No crime against humanity will be left without punishment
Just got this game, any tips?
which residential district in baku is the best to live in general?
Who would wean?
This is the most backwards argument because then you're literally implying that the 14 year old in the game was in fact 'Hot enough'
who's winning?
What to play next after finishing “Ghost of Tsushima” ???
Day 100 finished!
I usually prefer full covers but GOT - that's a disappointing one
Bamboo Strike Bug
Really stuck and can’t decide between 1,2,3
totally worth it what a game
Could I pull off the haircut in the second pic or nah?
I need some directions
I haven’t received a haircut in two years. How to fix this?
Jojo in Turkish is the funniest thing ever
Anadolu'ya akına gelen Atalarımız yerli halkla karşılaşıyor 11.yy
What are your favorite swear words/insults/expressions/idioms in the language? Looking for some funny and/or interesting stuff :)
After Georgians, Armenians also want to join the European Union. Do you support Azerbaijan's accession?
🇦🇲🇪🇺 Armenia would overwhelmingly vote to join EU
My uncle said he’s ugly
I was doing it for years