Losercity Girlfriend
Can't sleep because some negative things stuck in my head
What is this?
Roses are red, I just ate soup
Good advice -- Thought it was worth sharing.
In light of recent controversy, some one piece women who ain't 16 (don't need to be) and look really pretty.
Jacob Jordaens - King Candaules of Lydia Showing His Wife to Gyges, 1646 [2453x3093]
Welp, this one is a HECK of a doozy!
Is there a reason to save up residual signals for a soldier 11 weapon?
Do incels not feel embarrased?
“Guys why do people like the left and not the right? Must be they hate Japanese people” (I wish I made that up)
Someone doesn’t know what sexism is.
Downvoted for saying incest is bad
Paladin mains rejoicing for the 14th expansion in a row
Why does 40 year old zoro look so old?
Is the 3* strategy for Kizuna actually cost effective?
most useless arc characters ever created in one piece ? Ill start 👇
Did I just get 4 zero cost spells in a row??
What do you think of new Khadgar?
This is literally the oda level foreshadowing you guys be yapping about yall wanna ignore it because it's kidd and he's "useless"
i hope this is irony
Would you like to marry Ragatha? (questions for both men and women)
Chapter 1110 full raws.