How do I get this shed off his eyelashes?
Fighting over shedding 😩
Hide and seek
My grandma
Group shedding?
What’s happening here?
Can cresties sleep with one eye "open"?
im tryna feed you bruh. get off the dinner table
Been over a year and still doesn’t have a name
I wondered if my shrimp would eat (dying?) Blackbeard algae.
Need name ideas!
Why did she do this 💀💀
What is it doing?
What would you grade these shrimp?
Show a pic of an uncomfortable position you found your gecc in
Frisky froggy HELP?!
Wallaby wanted me to post this.
What should I name this patootie (food names only)
I know it's not a crested gecko but the day gecko page is dead
Anyone else own cats?
Dude trying to evolve