Say your name but only keep the letters H E I J A and K
If only the walls could talk
alarm rule
Alright, just gonna browse one of the ‘normal’ Arcane subred-MY GOLLY
How many H can you write while holding your breath?
Brothers I need help with paints
my wife gave birth to this cute little baby. what do I name him?
30 seemed a (r)easonable amount to not t(u)rn al(l) of you a garden gnom(e)
[OC] Territories where married gay couples can buy rifles to protect their marijuana plants
Happy religion-neutral winter fun times
Rule Roulette
Don't blame it all on one person
rule in my ass
Found it in a store in Warsaw today. The pigs are connected so whatever you put in 'his' lands in 'her' pig.
cuz he ate a bat
32 years ago today, this guy published a formal proposal to the World Wide Web
What in the world are the chances?
good ending rule
FYI If this indicator is on on your dash, your high beams are on and you’re blinding tf out of everyone. It’s insane how many people drive with them on here.
Rule 65 (mya)
trans selfie at work rule