Summer/Spring Term
Trading Courses
Accounting and Strategic Measurement Certificate Exit
Skipping a semester
Reducing Fees
C1 and C2
Student Loan Rejected
Bookkeeping Courses
Winter Term Courses
ACCT 101
Working full time + Full course load
ID and ARC card
Nursing at macewan or norquest
If money was no object: would you quit nursing?
Sudden death
My sister is 2 years into her nursing career, she’s 23 making 102,000. I’m 2.7 years into my career at 31 years making 70,000. 😭 I’m sad now lol
Changing career at 25?
Queen of Tears [Episodes 5 & 6]
Bachelor of Design
I am thinking to purchase new printer, give me your recommendations
nursing or software engineer?
Wanting to change career at 25?
Wanting to change career at 25
Recommendation for Mug Press
Ghosting on mug