Should anyone need to consume french media with french subtitles in order to improve listening skills!
What are the most famous scandals from the medieval era?
There is another song that sounds very similar to the Opening Credits of Double Jeopardy
The fairytale-like story of a prince/nobleman falling in love with a common girl is unrealistic, but...did it ever happen in real life?
What is a common misconception regarding the Tudor era you would like to clear up?
Would a deserter face a death sentence?
What's your honest opinion of Anne Boleyn?
Does anyone use the Aouk app for donating? Do you trust it?
What was the public perception of famous artists such as Woody Allen/Roman Polanski when the stories of their abuse came out?
Margaret Beaufort second husband, Sir Henry Stafford wrote a will that referred to Margaret as “my most entire belovyd wyff”.😊
Was "The Treasure of the City of Ladies" by Christine de Pizan as a guide in the Tudor court?
Was drunk driving normalized? How often did accidents happen?
Did nobleladies often run away to convents/etc. to escape arranged marriages?
What are the biggest misconceptions about the medieval period that you'd like to clear up?
Does anyone have any information on how peasantwomen sought refuge from their abusive husbands?
How can we ascertain the accuracy of hagiographies? (Regarding medieval saints)
Is there any information on divorce in the medieval era? Any significant Muslim women at the time who obtained a divorce?
Does anyone have any stories about male social climbers/gold diggers from the Tudor era?
The story of St.Dymphna - Patron Saint of Mental Health (7th century)
Are there any other stories like Belina of Troyes? A peasant girl who was attacked and killed by a nobleman, and he suffered the consequences for it
What exactly did "running away" mean in Shakespeare's time?
Was Margaret Beaufort's case truly an anomaly? Regarding her early childbirth
How accurate is this documentary on the daily life of lords/peasants/etc. during the medieval period?
Why do you think Shakespeare aged Juliet down? And genuinely, how common were child-moms in his time?
How would a medieval peasant (especially a woman) be punished for talking back to a noble (especially royalty)?