Two studies reveal that MCI (mild cognitive impairment) is alarmingly under-diagnosed, with approximately 7.4 million unknowingly living with the condition. Half of these individuals are silently battling Alzheimer’s disease.
Roe v. Wade repeal impacts where young women choose to go to college, research finds: Female students are more likely to choose a university or college in states where abortion rights and access are upheld.
New research finds a significant slice of the U.S. workforce believes their jobs have no purpose: 19% of employees felt their jobs were socially useless
Women don't find me attractive and honestly I just wanna give up on dating
What a Trump win means for…Trump
Nuclear hot take on Reddit
"To marry is to halve your rights and double your duties" - Arthur Schopenhauer
Study finds relatively low rates of substitution for seafood choices like salmon, shrimp, and tuna: Substitution for the top 10 most-consumed seafood products in the U.S. occurred in just 13.9% of cases, lower than the substitution rates observed for less frequently consumed species.
Disability often neglected in medical school curricula, study finds: Disability is often neglected in medical education curricula, being framed as a “problem” within an individual, according to participants surveyed
UK needs a national strategy to tackle harms of alcohol, research finds: Deaths from alcohol specific causes in England rose by 42% between 2019 and 2023, the highest number on record, most of them from alcohol related liver disease.
I treat the people in my life badly when I fuck up and it makes me just not want to deal with people anymore
You should marry the person that's best for you, not the person you love.
Why do we have to earn money to live a life?
Season 5 Release Date Leak
Being a people pleaser has the complete opposite effect that you think it does
IVF pregnancies at greater risk of exposure to medicines that can harm the fetus | Research finds that IVF and ICSI pregnancies had the highest exposure to teratogenic medicines that potentially can harm the fetus during the first trimester of pregnancy
i rolled again after a year break, and I can tell I need an even longer break. I'll see y'all in 3 years
Researchers have discovered a distinctive engraving that may represent the oldest three-dimensional (3D) map known to exis
Travel distance to nearest lung cancer facility differs by racial and ethnic makeup of communities | Researchers find that for Asian-, Black-, and Hispanic-majority tracts, distance to the nearest LCS were 16%, 39% and 7% shorter
Humanitarian aid should be accessible for everyone
Bladder/urinary pain has come back after 4 weeks of complete abstinence?
Ended up just like a hard drug addict
Do you ever get tired of receiving BJ’s?
Hanni without heavy makeup looks SO beautiful.
Offering rewards helps people to stop smoking, with success rates continuing long after incentives have stopped | For every 100 people who received financial incentives, 10 people were likely to successfully quit smoking at six months or longer, compared to seven in 100 people who did not.