How to get rid of fungal acne??
Please help my baby…
Sassy side eye
Rediscovered this relic from my 20s. How do we feel about zebra print? Should I keep it? Or does it belong in 2009?
What should I do with my hair
Sudden uniform white pimples - FA, allergic reaction or else?
does FA ever get better? do u have success stories?
What adult weight can I expect? She’s 5.5 months at 16lb
dermatologist creams are not working
My 6 month old was all smiles about snow this morning
Loving how much all our ADs love snow
Finally some snow!
I was officially diagnosed with hormonal acne, but the appointment was VERY short and i have suspicions that it’s combo fungal and hormonal
Started a fashion magazine!
Meet Teddy - 5 months old!
How long can you stay on doxy 100mg?
How could you not love this…..
I want to SCREAM with frustration!!! PLEASE HELP
FA or irritation??
Opinions on whether or not my Aussie doodle will shed? Anyone have an Aussiedood with a similar coat as a pup?
What are some oil free liquid makeup products (Skin tint, foundation, blush, bronzer) that are ok for type 2?
FA safe products haul - fingers crossed
Is this normal for a mini Berniedoodle to lay like this?
5 month old swallowed a sock whole last night