What's your favorite BAD Warframe?
Who is your first prime frame?
Saw this in Keller of 377, these people need to keep their sky daddy at home and not try to indoctrinate in public schooling. If they want to teach their superstitions they need to teach it in their own schools
[Riven] [PC] [Pricecheck] just rolled this, how much can I get?
Plastids are a scam
Rum Selection, Whats Worth Grabbing?
Anything in this line up I should grab?
Is this real life
Ask the all-knowing pixelated rodent anything. It will know the answer and it will answer.
If Rhino gets a Gemini skin? Y’all think it will be Dwayne the Rock Johnson?
What were the odds of this XD? got vesper, reconifex and ax-52 rivens all in one day
Duviri top 10 improvements.
Dante or Xaku who’s better?
heat or magnetic for kuva nukor?
Not while oberon exist.
After 400 days I can finally have HUGE DPS INCREASE
Valkyr is fun in Höllvania
Hey DE this is way too much damage attenuation
I found a bug I'm not sure if it's intentional
Where is he driving to? Wrong answers only.
Post-Rework Trinity builds
Nyx can mind control the Acolytes!
Anyone else have trouble killing enemies with abilities?
It's a meme, but it's real.
That's a sniper not a scythe 💀💀