Why do you girls do this?
Do we still have courtship before marriage?
Burkina Faso has officially banned the colonial wigs
Yo is this a rare find guys? 😂
How frequently do you put yourself first?
I bought this from my coworker for $100 the other day, it’s my first hollowbody
My dad "71" and mum "58" have been married for over 40 years. What happened with marriage in this age?
My dad "71M" and mum "58F" have been married for over 40 years, What happened with marriage in this age?
What is the best starter role for a junior developer in Kenya?
What’s your response to people telling you you’re handsome/sexy?
People who wanted to be childfree but ended up getting children, ...
Why do people stay in toxic relationships even when they know it's not healthy?
How’s your high school crush doing?
What is the one thing that keeps you going even when it is tough?
What is criminally overpriced?
What do you want for Christmas?
What is an American behavior/trait that you hope us Kenyans never adopt?
Where do these get people's numbers?
Good morning, What's the one thing you can do comfortably? A skill. A passion.
What is the reason you're still using Windows and not Linux or even Mac?
Sometimes we stick around too even though we know it won't work. Why do we do it?
How do you handle Nostalgia?
How can I give my ex closure when I'm not sure it's a good idea we meet in person yet?