How do you define “monster” in terms of romantasy?
This is what I picture every time an author describes someone's skin as "golden"
Books with Asian characters?
A measured review of “Priestess” by Kara Reynolds
Every time I start to like a series….
Two question pop quiz- enemies + hair
Recs for a long series à la Kate Daniels series
A very unpopular opinion about MLs in romantasy
This sub ruined me, I seriously started thinking if there's an english royal werewolf story out there
that's adorable
If you could go back in time knowing what you know now, would you still go to college?
Rant: we should know what the main characters look like
Assistant to the Villain masks?
I read Korean romance webtoons but I need more
Recommendations for first luxury bag
Someone better tell the bat boys
Finally I have a chance🥹
How do we feel about the Celine box bag? Out of style? still in? too duped these days?
Is fourth wing worth it?
I need Mischa and Perch of Priestess
Nick Wilde and Flynn Rider, basically
Where do you get your piercings done?
What makes a book boring for you?
Looking for a specific type of storyline...
Pardon the spelling
Not petite FMC and not apologetic
How is fourth wing?