Josko Brags About Filming Vanja Without Her Consent and Thinks He Did Nothing Wrong
Criterion April announcements
Food-Themed Heroes
Netherlands vs New Jersey, US which one would you choose?
What’s one good thing that’s happened to you recently?
What is your favourite film you’ve watched in 2025 so far(that you hadn’t seen before)
Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece) Matchup Tierlist
Fresh meat 🍖
New Criterion Closet just dropped
If I had 30k to spend on one car what should I get?
Protagonists who have canonically killed kids
Erotic Market - February 8th Saturday 11-4pm at Mobtown Ballroom & Cafe - free to attend!
My great x4 grandfather George Washington Mosley, he was a confederate soldier for the state of Georgia.
Which one should I watch for my 1000th movie?
Characters who are given the worst lives ever for no reason
If you give Reed matchups based on "being an elastic guy", you're in for a REAL bad time...
What is an acclaimed movie that you cannot stand?
we must Remember where we all come from
So what's your strategy for your first Civ7 game??
What does Gen Z think about World War 1?
Josko Could Face Jail Time for What He Did to Vanja
Which horror movies do you wish James made a Kill Count about? Mines are these:
Which nose do yall have
Greatest 90 Day side character ever ?
HOMELANDER Wins and Losses