Florence Pannel born in 1868 being interviewed in 1977 at 108 years old.
Go big?
That sounds like a challenge
Inside the control room of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, 1986. [3543x2338]
AIW for still wanting to end a 6 year marriage after my husband start showing some effort
AIO over something my bf said
We finally had sex and I feel violated.
Women what do you really want in a man? In a generation where requirements and standards have become so high. What do women actually want in a man ?
Loona’s new outfit (Delki)
One of the many selfies that Emperor Nicholas II took throughout his life, (1868-1918). [736x551]
Barriss Offee under the robes (Tharrek)
How are you spending the night?
Have you ever had sex so intense you couldn’t walk afterwards?
AITA for refusing to do anything around the house because my wife insisted on staying home with our child
AIW for always giving advice whenever someone opens up to me?
AITA for just leaving my aunt’s house after failing to convince her she’s being scammed.
How do you like to be shown affection?
Once the weekend is over
Pressure to move in with boyfriend
I understand why she edited it.