Green Territory - a new small prototype of a strategy game by in Godot
Wave Function Collapse in Godot
Godot 3.x: A Practical Guide To Anchors & Margins
"Project Circle" Can Now Be Player Directly in the Browser!
LPT: It’s really easy to replace a shower head and they are relatively cheap. Buying a new one can completely change your shower experience.
I'm an ex-recruiter for some of the top companies in the world. I've screened tens of thousands of resumes, and today I published my preferred resume format, free to download as a Word doc, along with some general resume advice.
This is my Senator. She sold me, my fellow Mainers, and this nation to the telecom lobby for the price of $57,550
Couldn’t agree more :D
Penguin Bomb
If you stare at the sun long enough, you get a dog.
Wrap a piece of lettuce around one side of your sandwich/burger to keep the goods from falling out the other side.
Dystopian LPT
Can’t argue with that logic...
I translated the runes on the cover face of Collector Edition Box.
Stop considering whether people like you and start considering whether you like them
Is it possible to get big rolls from wyms on quest? It said it was on the wiki but I grinded for 4 hours to no avail.
Saw a lilac eat a hornet today - yes, you did read that right!
Asian American / Asian Fashion Brands?
Little Nole's first training session as a 4 year old
/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers Weekly Gear Thread
Fav Workouts Friday: Weekly Discussion Thread
The new show is bad. Admit it
Project Circle - Last Prototype Before Beta Release