Monthly DIY Laymen questions Discussion
What’s your take on this and should I be concerned?
Vintage Les Paul nut replacement
General Guitar Setup Checklist
What do you think this felt like? Do you think they felt their organs moving? 😂
How much weight can I realistically lose (not healthily) in a single week
When I was a kid, I would just hold onto what I thought was cool looking and now I just found them again 20 years later.
Accidentally dropped my phone on my brand new Ibanez guitar. Should I be worried about this crack? I don’t notice any performance issues, but I am freaking out. Thank you in advanced for your help.
What lost in the mail for 1 month looks like
Anything special here?
Maple fretboard finish worn down
Help? This is the 2nd neighbors have lied about me and gf about arguing while i’m at work
Would these be concerning to you?
Should I be concerned about these cracks in my apartment?