Infj turning into extrovert
Round 2: What if these characters met?
Unpopular opinion, but does anybody else feel like steroline is forced and awkward?
What if these characters met?
Stack your sins in order of importance. Please reason if possible. Following is my friends list
Siblings…. …………
Dear INFJs, can you behave as extroverts?
Any Entrepreneur Infjs?
Thoughtful love is honestly one of the best things you can give an INFJ
What are your favorite “non-canon” ships?
how high are your walls?
how did you figure out your mbti?
What’s a good second date with a INFJ
Deleting Reddit
Growing up were you raised or influenced by another INFJ?
Who do you think is the most overrated, underrated, perfectly rated and who is your favorite villain and why
What kind of jokes really rub you the wrong way?
Anyone here works as a nurse or work in the medical field?
What are your parent’s types?
How did you learn to navigate and thrive in this world during your younger years?
What were you like in school what "stereotype" were you?
What does my art smell like?
What piece of music in general best reflects the life of an INFJ?
I hate admitting that I'm an INFJ
Anything to make me look less plain?