What has come to Lynnwood?
Looking for a clan
Looking for a Clan
I DC’d and for over an hour get this message, can log into my other account just fine
Fun and Active CC I can join?
I'm in Mexico and tipping options start at 5%, 10%, 15% instead of the crazy 20% that is expected in SeattleWA
Did OSRS just crash again?
Gamer dads, how do you do it?
Getting the worst drops from TOA
pest control be like:
Is there a reason why Jakk The Rhymer didn't join PE or why Steez decided to form a collective with Joey instead?
This subreddit and mental health
Is it just me?
AITA For doing a little trolling :tf:
whats the most megga rares someone's had from cox without getting a t-bow?
Leeching high invo/path level ToA KC for pet morphs? When and where?!
Overwhelmingly Positive Feedback
Finally got my Dragon Warhammer on the GIM
How many of you dads are still gaming?
Jagex personally contacts you and asks you to tell them exactly how to "fix" the Wilderness. What do you tell them?
Slayer is dumb and so are you
Pvp rewards poll
Why doesn't Jagex ask what PvMers want from the Wildy if they're trying to entice them to play in it?
Jagex spends way to much fucking time and money on PVP
The PKers RUINED my brother's Life