Why does every question have to feel like an attack or ‘gotcha’?
To be fair, you have to have a really high IQ to understand Radiohead.
Hans Zimmer is a mediocre composer
Straw manning is a bad way to argue.
I'm so depressed & ashamed in myself, that I might do it a coupla tree more times today... 👀
People should stop being sarcastic/snarky when arguing online. Especially on Reddit in political arguments.
Rock or Rap, and why?
What feature does Letterboxd need?
If you get cheated on you shouldn’t be mad at the other person, you should be mad at your significant other.
I'm struck by how sore Republicans seem after the election they just won
Workers should not be excused for rude service just because they're underpaid.
Watching porn makes you a cuck
Too many people use "mental health" as a crux
Having prisoners do large amounts of labor would be really bad for the economy. Just to clear things up after seeing a couple posts about this.
Peppering your comments with frequent "lol" and "lmao" is embarrassing. You're not laughing. You're definitely not laughing your ass off
Does anybody else not even want the American dream.
Gay marriage is a non-issue in 2025
Doctors don't care about you
I DO feel bad for people losing their homes in the LA fires
What is one thing you want to see Donald Trump do during his 2nd term ?
Caffeine is Bad
Ambiguous/open story endings are lazy.
Offering vto at shift start should be punishable by death via the guillotine
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Reddit is full of soft baby liberals