How many hoops to go through for ADHD medication?
Go on, what does it say?
What to have with pecan blue cheese dip??
YarDud doesn’t have a job, and gets to play his driving video games and watch F1 while his wife works. He is a pampered priss and he needs to turn in his Man Card🤬
what does my moms freezer say about her?
Hey! What can you tell?
Saddest thing ever
question about Rad tech career
Genuine question, but does Yar weird anyone else out?
There’s no way..
Acting manic
Congratulations you just got a new iPod!
As an adult, what part of being a child do you miss most?
They look like they stink
Why do they look like siblings
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
These are SO GROSS
Bad cramps
My bf seems to only like me for my body. Should I dump him?
Think I overcooked it?
Baby name explanation!!
Meghan’s baby has arrived!
It turns out Yarmayn is actually the strongest man on earth.