Quiet places around Queenswood
Has anyone been diagnosed with or thought to have bipolar disorder?
Do you know of any famous (non-South African) people that have surprisingly lived in South Africa?
How much did your Virgin Active fees increase this year?
I looked good today that is all☺️
Christianity is a scam
Has spirituality helped you understand, grow or cope with this illness?
What have y’all done to help with losing weight (despite the obvious?)
Mom & sister is homeless. I’m living with my partner in a Wendy. How do I rebuild my life after losing everything ?
What is your grocery spend guys?
Are you a happy person with sad moments or a sad person with happy moments?
What did you lose that makes you chase love so much?
Best antidepressant:Tell me why…
What antidepressant worked for you & what change did you see?
Insanity in South Africa - jobs
This is nuts
Mom Looking for a Job
Should I take out my hair after two weeks?
Need someone to talk to i feel like i am ruining my relationships
Abortion guilt/shame
30 day water fast - female accountability partner
Anyone addicted to online shopping?
Do you ever stop feeling the void?
Worst hair experience
cannot lose weight even with ozempic
Seeking Advice: Helping a Friend in Pretoria Finish High School and Find Mental Health Support