Beagle carve
My guys are obsessed with their Ferris wheel
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Hermit crab tank help / review
Class pets
Thoughts on memorial trinkets after euthanasia
What can I do to improve my painting? Acrylic on canvas
Hermit crab advice
How bad do hermit crab tanks smell?
The newest adition to my household (Attila the kitty) loves watching the hermit crabs just as much as I do! Who else has pets that love hermit crabs?
my rat fell i'm freaking out help
Pls post your rats in festive sweaters
Timed light?
Eating wood? Normal?
Will this heat mat make my pedes too hot?
Hermit crab never digs?
Found a lump on my girl PJ. My heart is aching 💔Please send any word of advice. The vet is going to call me back tomorrow.
Hermit crab help please
New Tank Design
Ist a heating Mat inside the Tank Dangerous?
this was a revelation and a half
Gecko lost for over a month, FOUND!
are these natural shells?