I hope it doesn't get better so it doesn't get worse
Are you triggered?
Help with custom lifespan
Unpopular Opinions?
The new smosh games content isn’t getting the love it deserves.
I miss Saige :(
anyone know where is the stream "Operate on Chewbacca" (I think that was called)? Can't find it anywhere
Sunnydales Greatest Heist
Bridal Magazine cover in ‘Once More With Feeling’ (s6 ep7): Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that Amber Tamblyn AKA Dawn’s friend Janice on the cover?
Flag of England if it formed a country with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Original Fox Airings/Broadcasts
Found in Jacksfilms’ AMA
In World War Z (2013), Peter Capaldi plays a W.H.O. Doctor. This was in preparation for his role as Doctor Who.
🎵🎶 What's your favorite Community song? 🎶🎵
I just Finished Watching Community and Here are Some Thoughts
On Netflix, if you set the audio to Spanish, the spanish study group becomes a english study group. All the scenes with Spanish in them are spoken in English with a Spanish accent.
Question about season 5 Episode 1.
Something fun to try out next time you play
Bill Hader in an SNL doc mouthing Prince, music added in
Big H and then a big A etc. etc.
Barry made me realize they need a "Best Bit Part - Comedy" category at the Emmy's
The letter A is a sharpened pencil
Imagine being that savage
Women of Reddit. Why is having painted finger nails is so important to you?
Being understood is more rare than being loved.