What dead rappers do you miss the most?
Tell me my true identity
Septic venting into basement
Weird strip of ground won’t grow grass
If you could choose a sound effect to play every time you entered a room, what would it be?
Is this normal?
Who has the best wife?
What is a comfort show/movie/series you would recommend?
The way my gf cooks eggs
What is your best excuse to leave the party early?
Excited to try my first Ryobi tools
Let’s switch it up : Does any of you guys make music ? I wanna hear a song from you 🤌
Rate my songs
Someone motivate me to make music again … :/
I chime in with a haven’t you people ever heard of… originality?
What food do you swear tastes better as leftovers?
Can anyone ID this mask?
Roommate goes into my room when I’m not home and uses my things☹️
what's your oldest internet memory?
Today I saw a gecko at the grocery store
I think I'm not training till failure
Wishing I was still there
What does my gun collection say about me.
What’s the best workout advice you received?
i think i've fucked up.