I finally understand doom
Pittsburgh woman hires boys to shovel snow for $5 then assaults one of them: Police
Guest returned moldy bagels
New member!
A deaf conservative with basic common sense
Reddit mod thinks moderation is important to society 🤡
Lady gets caught shoplifting so she destroys the store and has a freakout in front of her own child.
Lamp of Murmuur - Saturnian Bloodstorm
Finally realizing MAGA is racist
good fuckin riddance (did anyone actually miss because of crouching btw?)
Rate the fit
Two young men in Southeast DC walked into the back of McDonald’s, grabbed some fries while smoking, and left
New stereo and rear camera
Tried drawing the crybaby characters in manga accurate designs
I haven’t gotten Hatemail in SO long XD this ganker host didn’t like being outplayed
Beware the jeans....
Weirdest thing you’ve been asked for?
Woman creates her own portions at Chipotle
Boeing’s 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers
Why mayhem sucks, according to my girlfriend (I love you bb <3 mwuah mwuahh)
Oh ok
The hashtags were "mayhem" and "lord of chaos" 💀
plot twist so outrageous everybody gotta see it with their own eyes
"Pick up artist" shows off his skills on random women in park