Withdrawal Help
What’s top (worst) opiate (particularly fent/heroin) WD symptoms? IMO it’s between the chills/aches or RLS.
Hey guys I’m slowly getting hooked and I need help.
Leave your cats indoors!
Need advice for trt (physician or personal experienced trt users only plz)
How soon can I take a sub?
Should I cancel my exchange semester?
If you have anxiety I recommend getting a lava lamp, it’s awesome. It’s satisfying!
Tapering issue
Your Plug is NOT your Friend
To qualm my anxiety… Can a narcissist change?
Anyone else can't sleep after oxy?
2 Year Journey with Prostatitis
Has anyone ever experienced this?
Best comfort med when trying to cold turkey a oxy habit.
Was admited to hospital today after 2.5 days of fentanyl withdrawal
Traveling once acute withdrawals have passed - advice needed
Uber driver left with life-threatening injuries after stabbing, robbery
Getting rid of nausea from opiates?
I want off this ride