The Cathedral of St. Peter in Cologne, Germany
Cute baby ducks going on a swim to make your day better
Where was the last place you gave or received a blowjob?
Maturation process of a bird from naked to feathered
How many DMs do you wake up to daily?
Cheetah purring when getting petted
Do you take off your shoes in the house or are you a heathen?
TIFU by accidentally sending my boss a private voice note meant for my friend
What’s a sexual “trick” you’re proud to have learned?
Caring stranger stranded deer from frozen lake
Why do some man like doggy-style so much?
AITAH for asking my coworker to stop leaving personal items on my desk?
ARAD, what are some hobbies you recently go into?
Dogs understands our tone of voice way much better than most people we talked online.
Where’s somewhere you’ve had sex, that you really shouldn’t have?
Women who have friendzoned a date, how did it turn out? Are you still friends?
AITA for asking my upstairs neighbors to be quieter at night?
Women with endowed men, do you prefer one round or multiple?
Swapping cum with husband after blowjob
What is something that will kill you way quicker than you think it would?
How you will spend your first day of the new year?
What will be the first thing you do when you get rich ?
It's the 1600's. What's your job?
What’s a random skill you’ve picked up that turned out to be surprisingly useful?
Who do you think should be in Mount Rushmore of porn?