My hands on fire while meditating
What Chakras and energy work practices are related to Astral Projection?
Looking for Chakra/Energy practices to help me AP
what do you feel before leaving?
What styles of meditation help with Astral Projection?
Best meditation practices for Astral Projection
Do psychedelics lead to real spiritual experiences?
Can alcohol get in the way of Kundalini?
I feel kind of stuck
How can I get control of my dopamine habits?
How do I protect myself from gorging on videogames?
Crazy/interesting things that happened 50 years ago, in the year 1974 (5x5 wojak compass)
New to this teach me your ways
How to do post-sleep AP?
Hell of a gift from my wife.
1072 Shipping Label created. How long will it be like this?
What sort of clothing gives of a casual social vibe?
Why am I so grounded everywhere else in life but seduction?
Is there an inverse relationship between hedonism and spirituality?
Batch 1072 arrived - looks good
Best fakes?
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I'm 17 and addicted to porn and want to quit badly