Baby giraffe meets his father and the herd for the first time. Watch the parents embrace at the end.
TIL Fred Rogers proposed to his wife Joanne via letter. When she received it, Joanne rushed to a payphone to respond. She was so nervous that when Fred answered the phone she was focused on the phone booth graffiti and greeted him by saying, "Shit." Fred laughed and she agreed to marry him.
This dad made his son a conveyor belt sushi restaurant at home.
TIL in 2007, reigning Jeopardy! champion Scott Weiss purposely placed his final bet in such a way as to force the first three-way tie in the game's history. He said he knew he could have bet more and won the game, but thought it would be fun to force a tie instead.
Is there any subreddit where I can talk about and share paranormal stories?
What would be the tipping point for you to leave the US?
Flat spot on back of head
His joy is palpable, a real genius ❤
Antarctica Condition 1 weather.
Did the word "trespass" change meaning over time?
I-44 accident: still shot of road condition
Man gets spit on for confronting Karen at Chipotle
What is the biological term ending in ‘a’ that refers to a single plant that represents a species?
Chronic and severe overconsumption
He’s definitely shocked by his parent!
Laser engraving particles being sucked up by duct.
Misheard Lyrics
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Red light, green light situation
Took a wrong turn and made it into a ceremony
What TV shows do you always watch the opening credits for?
Anyone else’s street just straight ice right now?
This is a new one
Amazing painter.
A barn owl flies from the hayloft window of a brown barn at night