Dude is destroying relationships😂😂
What cats do when their humans sleep
Prisoners in Ecuador sealed up and flooded prison yard with tap water so they‘d have their own swimming pool
Perfect team mate
Wow. Perfect pick up line
Am I selfish
Pull my hair and see
Skidz - Remember these?
Read Wonderlab
You can have any 3 superpowers from r/shittysuperpowers,but every day it gets 10% stronger and on the fifth day it gets a mutation and becomes stronger
guess who i am
meme monopoly
Man travels to Chile
I consider the 16th century (1500s) as medieval category.
SFAH: inappropriate questions to ask at a job interview
Calling me his "woman."
How can I face the fear of working with Angels?
smol fry on the side
IUI with Male factor infertility
Donate to those most in need, cowards. Eliminate the mosquito menace!
Is Precheck not blue anymore?
They took like way too long to think about it,