Let's be real and stop hating on Ebraheem
Before he realized Lupin was trying to abandon his family, why was Harry so concerned with needing to continue keeping the horcrux a secret from Lupin when he offered to join them?
Couldn‘t Lily Potter just have grabbed Harry……and disapparated with him? When Voldemort came for them?
Was Kurt Vonnegut a nihilist?
the shows looks to have been written backwards
Brienne and her terrible decision.
(Spoilers Extended)Dumb decisions
Why do you think Lupin reprimanding Harry for using expelliarmus on Stan Shunpike stikes such a nerve for Harry and results in him getting rather defiant?
Imagine that during Part 2 of the Battle of Hogwarts, Bellatrix had cast the Killing curse on Hermione instead of Ginny and it had missed her by inches
I will never forgive J.K Rowling for killing these two legends
Why is Dumbledore dropping hints about the Deathly Hallows to the trio?
What type of personality do you hate?
What did Tyrion actually do for Daenarys?
The Sansa hate I sometimes see is still baffling and annoying
Not getting anywhere with Brothers Karamazov
What is the single worst decision made by any character in the series?
The Alicent Rhaenyra scene is batshit crazy if you think just a little bit about it
Now Joffrey..say a NICE thing about him!!
(Spoilers Extended) Do you guys think Ryan Condom knows about the backlash?
Is this a plot hole or not?
The Brothers Karamazov
Who is the biggest idiot in GOT?
Did Harry break open Dumbledores tomb again to put the wand back in it?
Peter Pettigrew Life Debt
The movement...