Alternative to tret due to dry eye
Which Lyrics of a song you love do you scream everytime?
What's something people romanticize but is actually incredibly tough in reality?
Which stressed out moon sign is this? 😭✨
What does this XVth Century oil painting of a Vatican pope depict?
What is your "I'm calling it now" prediction?
Future made a song about this situation
Okay, which is your favourite ?
What makes your day beautiful?
Bathrooms in the Von Maur department store
Amazon Delivery Truck Gets Ransacked
One talks about it, the other is really about it
Looking for a movie that will really scare the s*** out of me for Halloween
What is the white stuff inside of my deodorant?
What's your favorite casting that you initially thought was wrong?
Celebrity childhood photos
Now, who is the actor with the most range?
Backstage Requiring pre-screen sides before submission ???
A few people going completely insane after watching a Barbie movie.
Ariana Grande told those around her how much she 'wanted a baby one day' after bonding with Lilly and Ethan's.
What's one celebrity you find really hot but you don't see talked enough
Who’s the most stunning woman you’ve ever seen from any era?
My SO is blind and I do her makeup, did a Barbie look 2.0 for a performance with y'all's suggestions!
Sex workers of reddit, who was the grossest customer you’ve had?
What's the wildest or weirdest story you've heard on Reddit?