ask me anything about shameless and then change it to make me look bad
Give me ur top 3 fav characters and I'll decide if you get in or not
say something nice about him
ask me something about the nfl then change it to make me look bad
how is carl not just the best character in the show
Give me 3 juice songs that each sound completely different
Im on season six. Is Jimmy like officially gone?
opinions on jimmy steve jack
opinions on lip?
why do people like ian?
make the comments look like his search history
What shameless opinion will leave you in this position?
does carl become more important as the show goes on
is lute a top or a bottom
do you kidnap little kids
what is your favorite NFL player?
best hazbin/helluva character
is touching kids bad
ask me something about the nfl and then change it to make me look bad
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Give me a three letter word that starts with "y" and ends with "s" and contains an "e"
What is the absolute worst character someone say they can relate to?
Get to it boys.