Friday Night Funkin voiceline ranking! (Body Text)
What movie is this?
I gave color to Shinto's redesign.
Goofy ❤️
Which rendition of All Stars is your favorite? (In general, these are just some examples)
Finish am tierd please le't me sleep
What would sky think of yourself
Ask me questions and i will try answer as semi Canon pico
Favorite group of silly goobers?
Is It Worth It?
I love these goobers so much you have no idea
Favorite Female villain who's not sexualized?
What is a shitty video game plot twist that pisses you off?
I got the Character Creator upgrade and now I made the Captain underpants characters (with the self insert of me and my boyfriend springtrap). Might make more characters later
Best laugh in a youtube video?
I spent like an hour typing out a post on this sub and barely anyone saw it
Glitchy red edits as black nails or sharp nails even edits
favorite female characters that has you like this
I hate you (feel free to spam IHY Luigi in the comments)
I'd rather suck a fat cock than support _____.
Petition to remove the drama flair
Favorite characters you find cute ANDJUST CUTE YOU FRICKING GOONERS!