Dragonite on me anyone wanna help? 8632 7686 3885
Weather boosted 2 local dragonite 551000777207
January Giveaway: Part 1
Looking for: Indeedee female with 0/bad speed iv and POGO Shiny Tornadus. FT pogo stuff.
Dragonite raid 706973070236
Dragoran 808768819241
Dragonite on me. 0358 1487 0853
Dragonite 446582773917
I got Dragonits back back too back. Let me know in the comments if you want to do both 6572 8410 5606
Giveaway (mostly uncertain origina) - see description to participate
Palkia on me, need some help. Have one more local in a couple of minutes 6572 8410 5606
Dragonite raid on me 234401251441
Dragonite on me. Any one wanna help? 6572 8410 5606
Looking for as many Morpeko as possible. OFFERING SHINY GIRATINA OR Necrozma REGISTERED TRADE ONLY
LF POGO REGI Draco FT pic can do multiple (also have a lot in pogo for OT (ask for pic), but can’t transfer to home right now)
Giratina on us, party power. 6572 8410 5606
Pick a Number from 1-50. All from go, all for giveaway. Tell me your favorite shiny, got some more in Go i don’t need:) gl
Giratina on me, please help. 5521 8189 7621
Giratina on me 5521 8189 7621
Giratina on me will try and invite 10 5521 8189 7621