What’s the worse question to ask on the first date?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
My Obese dad (300 pounds) told me (5’6 140lbs) to watch my weight today
Exhausted from modern dating , is there any hope?
Does losing make you a loser?
I (28M) was dumped out of the blue after her (25F) 'epiphany'. Now she wants us to try again. On her terms. Do I give her another chance?
My (29M) boyfriend wants me (28F) to do house wife duties when we both work full time. How do I explain why this isn’t fair?
stalked my ex again and i feel sick.
Are people on Reddit just mean spirited and bitter spinsters!?
SFAH: what can you say during sex and at family dinner?
I think someone else is using my number again.
My (35F) made a comment that he (33M) wants a man in a woman body
My mother touched my breasts AGAIN
Should I considering breaking up with my girlfriend? (Slight NSFW)
My (27F) bf (36M) told me to find somewhere else to sleep. AIO?
My relationship is putting a damper on the one thing I love most
Sex doesn’t feel good?
Idk if I’m overreacting
I texted my boss calling off due to school being cancelled due to extreme weather.
I hate perverts
My girlfriend (27f) is expecting her name on the deed to a house that I (28m) will be using my money to buy?
Do I choose the major I love or the major that makes good amount of money?
I (31F) am married to a man(34M) with wandering eye and I feel disrespected. How do I approach this with him without making him feel attacked
What was the reason for your break up? (what tore you apart)
My girlfriend wants an open relationship but I don’t want one