What’s wrong with it 😭😭
Tractor supply and dogs??
Mysterious Egg
Honestly why
it’s my 24th birthday and one of my cat made a PERFECT heart out of pee. yes i cried
Does he know?
Ziggy's catnip frolic
Boomers even ruined Despicable Me
Thought ya'll might appreciate this
Why not?
My half sister is abusing the family cat.
Venting about my roommate.
How do I get this rescued evil to stop playing rough(biting) me?
Restaurant near me doing something right.
Dog lovers are truly a different type of unhinged
Dog Smell
Kitten wars.
“Beware of Dog” signs
Dogs Always Need Treats to Learn this is not good
Not done yet
Sick of it
Do you think a woman with 4 kids with 4 baby daddies is a red flag?
Gang, I flew to this sub to share
My kitty is Dexter