The return of the guy burnt to crisps (I probably heard all ya’ll jokes before 👂)
This $150 textbook I had to buy for class didn't even come bound
Airbnb host ask me to cancel so they don’t have to
Getting left/pushed out 😕
I killed LEGO man 10 times…sorry
Modern dating is weird!
Yesterday my child was “sick” so we stayed home and it was epic
This unbothered young man removed the lid from a pan of spaghetti on the stove, ate it all, then PUT THE LID BACK.
This lady thaught is was a good idea to open an umbrella at a concert
Basil has a pathological need to get into cars
Boston doing everything he can to make sure there is no evidence of a greyhound being able to eat while sitting
My 11 year old son was diagnosed with a terminal illness in November 2023. Ask me anything
I Am Homeless. Ask Me Anything
My thoughts on beliefs of spirituality and autism as a formerly religious Jewish person
I am an astrophysicist studying the first few seconds after the Big Bang - AMA
This is not okay. Please be careful not to fall down these beliefs.
Questions About Greyhounds
Let me sketch your dog round 2 ! (send in the comments)
Greyce’s unexpected adventure
Random autism advice go!
Random advice go!
(WIP) painting's been keeping me sane during bad weather causing a massive pain flare up
I swear Lego is a conspiracy to make autistic people poor.
Snow Pups!
I don't know the secret to happiness, but what I do know is that it has something to do with having a dog.