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Best way to pay credit card bills
If someone grabbed you out of your chair right now and said you have to give a one hour speech on any topic of your choice as long as it was informative and they would pay you $10,000, what would your speech be about?
Can i carry this type of kettle in train and make tea/coffee from mobile charging point?
Please help with my weight loss!
Need important advice
Let’s make a list of Redditor’s and their locality of staying
Finally been trying to get this card from 3 months
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National Pension? Govt scam?
Night Travel Safety in Bangalore
Is D-Mart Better for Groceries Compared to Big Basket with Tata Neu Cashback? Let's Discuss!
What is your dream credit card?
Boold bath in Indian Stock Market today...
Can we talk about how difficult it is to make close friends when you're an adult?
AITK for not helping my in-laws
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Breaking the Stigma: HDFC Issues More Than 2 Co-Branded Cards!
Closed all my HDFC cc
Thinking to buy 3 BHK in Bangalore for family of 4. Budget up to 1.5 cr. Suggestions?
What made you lose a lot of weight?
Sleeping pods instead of sleeper berths for overnight trains?
AITK for calling out his logic?
Are there any easy ways to earn money for someone who can't do much physically?
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