Superman-like Character Name
Name Ideas for Archangel-like Vigilante...
Ideas for Fictional Metals, their Capabilities and Names.
Im working on a commission: The Inquisitor
Fictional Metal Ideas and Names.
Knowing that Apple TV is going to release 2 new spin-offs, which two monsters would you like to see as the protagonists of these? These are my selections.
Brazilian Vigilante Name Suggestions!
What’s Your Favorite Joker Quote?
Brazilian Superhero Name Suggestions!
Hypothetical: Black Suit Identity in Superman
Just a small old is Batfleck supposed to be?
What villains would work well in Matt Reeve's Batman trilogy?
Villain Prisons Name Ideas
Good Goth/Noir City Name Ideas!
Arkham: City, or Vigilante Name?
Ideias de Nomes para Cidade Fictícia
Lovecraftian City Name
Who would you choose?
What year does Gotham take place?
What is ONE good thing about the Morbius movie? I like when he plays with the ball.
Spy Racers
Name ideas for a Anti Hero
Netflix's The Punisher Show Recast
Unpopular Opinion: The Humans in Monsterverse are TOO OP, Making Godzilla and Kong Unnecessary. The Filmmakers Need to Nerf Them.
The Timeline Of This Franchise Is All Messed Up