I think we already know the answer about my girlfriend’s tv, judging by the pain in my neck
Average getting old experience
New DLC vehicle leaked! A stealth limousine that only appears when something hits it
My gf in dayz
"You're an ass hole! You've ruined my life ever since you came into it, I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL!" I said to my back stabbing friend.
"I hope they don't play any rap music" I said as I switched on the radio.
Do you forgive her?
How does this guy still have a job?
i’m full of myself, try to offend me
What do u think of my zentorno?
Where the fuck are the F Conds?!
10/10 would scav on Factory again!
had a seizure reading it
Gearing up for PVE be like:
I will snooze quietly, the Legion can count on that.
New players ask. Seasoned players answer.
Favorite New Vegas quote?
What is something you regret buying and you can’t get rid of
Can you find it. Spot the lollipop among a colourful crowd of ice creams
What is your most memorable line from a video game?
Is ED-E's name pronounced "E. D. E" or "Eddy"?
What body type are you most attracted to?
Men of Reddit, if society made it okay to wear a purse, what would you carry with you?
People who've almost got killed because of your siblings, how did it almost happen?