2k25 Available Numbers for each team in MyCareer
Vaughn won last round! Most liked comment wins: What character is a horrible person and is hated by fans?
OK but how did they have Domingo prepared so fast
Kornet cele's are back on the menu 🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻
Who does this build resemble the most?
What are your unpopular community opinions?
what is that one lyric that makes you go like this
Day 10: Traveling at the Speed of Light makes its second rotation on the list as Joywave's best song. Today I encourage you to rewatch some Joywave music videos and leave a comment for your favorite. Top comment in 24 hours wins best music video!
Dream Joywave cover or collab?
Day 9: I have never seen so many downvoted comments in one thread. With a tie of only 3 upvotes each, I've decided to put Hang With Me as worst song and Ray Lewis as worst collab. Let's see some positivity this time around, what's the best song Joywave has made? Top comment in 24 hours wins.
I'm Dan Smith, lead singer of Bastille. AMA!
Day 7: After a close race between Destruction, Why, Be, Credible, When, You, Can, Be (part 2), and Incredible, Destruction wins most hype song! This time let's see what song you think has the best chorus. Top comment in 24 hours wins.
Day 6: 787 Dreamliner finds its way back to you as Joywave's most genius song. This time, vote for the song that goes absolutely crazy! Top comment in 24 hours wins most hype song.
Day 5: Nice House is voted the most emotional song as we feel the days repeating... Today let's vote for the most genius Joywave song, however you want to interpret that. Top comment in 24 hours wins!
Shrinking and Surviving
What's your favourite Bastille song collab
Chevy Chase remarks making it into the script
This is really not a flex that you think it is 💯. Prime example of a reason why people hate Rec
Were there any hints prior to 'G.I. Jeff' that Jeff was older than he claimed to be?
Is it true people in rural Columbia have sexual relations with donkeys?
So apparently putting "itis" on the end of a word is now offensive
Someone needs to explain this joke
A - Z Community: Letter W